Dakota Access pipeline
Trump Jumps Into Pipeline Fight
President Donald Trump has signed documents to advance the Dakota Access Pipeline. While not unexpected, his actions are met with a mixed response in North Dakota.
Inside Energy (https://insideenergy.org/tag/north-dakota-petroleum-council/)
President Donald Trump has signed documents to advance the Dakota Access Pipeline. While not unexpected, his actions are met with a mixed response in North Dakota.
Election day is creeping closer. And the next president could change the energy landscape of states that rely on coal, oil and gas. Inside Energy’s Amy Sisk looks at how the next president would affect energy-state North Dakota.
The oil industry’s on edge while protesters try to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline, and it’s not alone. Residents who live near the protest camps in North Dakota have to cope with an influx of people the area, posing traffic hazards and putting locals on alert.