Hamm Touts Trump’s Commitment to Oil at RNC


David Shankbone

Harold Hamm praised presidential candidate Donald Trump Wednesday at the Republican National Convention for his commitment to the oil industry.

Harold Hamm praised Donald Trump Wednesday at the Republican National Convention for his commitment to the oil industry.

David Shankbone

Harold Hamm praised Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention this week for his commitment to oil.

The oil tycoon who has proven a key adviser to Donald Trump told the Republican National Convention that, should Trump be elected president, the candidate will make America energy independent.

Harold Hamm’s company, Continental Resources, ushered in North Dakota’s Bakken oil boom. The CEO is also a friend of Trump.

“I guess we can consider Harold the king of energy. There’s nobody like him,” Trump said in May when he unveiled his energy platform at a campaign stop in Bismarck.

Hamm returned the favor this week. The fossil fuel champion is rumored to be the Republican’s top pick for energy secretary.

Hamm touted Trump’s commitment to the industry in front of thousands at the convention in Cleveland. He claimed Trump will rid the country of its dependence on foreign oil.

“Developing America’s own oil supply is a matter of national security,” Hamm said.

He said the country funds terrorism when it relies on foreign oil rather than the resources within its borders.

“Climate change isn’t our biggest problem. It’s Islamic terrorism,” Hamm told the cheering crowd. “Every onerous regulation puts American lives at risk.”

Hamm tore into Democratic challenger Hillary Clinton during his speech. He said her presidency would result in more oil imports. She would eliminate fossil fuel development, kill jobs and drive up gasoline prices, he said.