New York Times |Google will build a new data center in a retired coal-fired power plant.
Blackout: Reinventing The Grid
Inside Energy Reads: How ‘Rooftop Solar’ Became ‘Private Solar’
An Energywire story explains how the electricity industry is changing the way it talks about who they are and what they do.
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Why EPA’s Alleged ‘War on Coal’ May Actually Be A War On Wasting Energy
If the Obama Administration’s Clean Power Plan is implemented, the United States will burn less coal over time. Yet, Chris Mooney’s article in the Washington Post argues that states may comply with the plan through implementing energy efficiency programs rather than just cutting back on coal-fired electricity.
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Drillers Answer Low Oil Prices With Cost-Saving Innovations
The New York Times | Even though oil prices have dropped significantly, companies are keeping production steady with new drilling techniques and utilizing recently developed technology.
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Developing: Oil Train Derails Near Heimdal, ND — Town Evacuated
Prairie Public News Radio Oil train derails then goes up in flames near small North Dakota town.
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Crude By Rail Accounts For More Than Half Of East Coast Refinery Supply In February
US Energy Information Administration The EIA reports, for the first time, that more than half of the crude oil sent to East Coast refineries was delivered by train.
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AFL-CIO Report: Death On The Job
AFL-CIO’s annual report on worker fatalities came out May 1. North Dakota is still the most dangerous place in the U.S. to be a worker.
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Tesla Debuts Powerwall At-Home Storage
Last night, Elon Musk made a long-anticipated, yet unsurprising, announcement about Tesla’s plans to sell batteries for home storage. If you’ve already got solar panels on your house, for $3,000 to $3,500 (plus the cost of installation), you can essentially go off the grid with your own sleek, wall-mounted, flat screen TV-sized battery. Here’s a round-up of Inside Energy’s favorite Tesla coverage.
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Senators Vote To Block EPA’s Use Of ‘Secret Science’
The Hill Senate committee passed EPA ‘Secret Science’ bill which would prohibit the agency from using scientific studies that are not open to public scrutiny.
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Can the ‘Green Pope’ Change Minds On Climate Change?
National Journal | Pope Francis is holding a summit today at the Vatican discussing climate change with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, ahead of an expected major papal statement on the moral responsibility mankind has for dealing with climate change.