A series of animated “explainers” produced in collaboration with AirWaterGas on the rise of fracking, water use in fracking, and the high stakes game of deciding where to drill.
The Interior Department is proposing changes to the 2015 Greater Sage Grouse Plans. Inside Energy looks at the impact these changes could have on the spirit of compromise across the west.
Hundreds of thousands of tank cars full of crude oil snake across the nation each year, and the number is only increasing — in the last five years, it’s jumped 14-fold. Along with that, there’s been an increased number of accidents, derailments and spills. Public safety advocates are clamoring for more information about where the trains are going and how much crude they’re carrying, but it’s been almost impossible to come by. Regulators don’t collect it and the railroads have refused to disclose it. Why the secrecy?
New regulations begin to go into effect in May in Colorado to cap methane emissions from oil and gas drilling sites. These regulations could prove to be a model for the rest of the country.