When The Largest Machine In The World Fails

If you could peer behind an electrical plug in your house, you’d find a massive network of transmission lines and power plants and a whole army of people bringing power to the socket in real-time, 24 hours a day. It’s the largest machine in the world: the power grid. Most of the time it operates invisibly, in the background, but when it fails, it often does so memorably. To most people, those outages seem like isolated events, but when you look at the trend, they’re not. (Blackout: Reinventing the Grid #1)

In North Dakota, Oilfield Spill Problems Worsen

In early January, a pipeline was found leaking oilfield wastewater into a creek. It’s estimated to be the worst such spill since the start of the oil boom. An Inside Energy investigation shows North Dakota’s spill problem is getting worse.

Who Cares About Keystone XL?

Republicans want to approve the Keystone XL pipeline as soon as they take control of the Senate in January. But the pipeline is less important to some oil companies than it used to be. So why do Republicans care so much about it?